New Hyperloop VR experience from INDG and AltSpace

Over the last 100 years, there’s been few noteworthy leaps in the field of transportation. Roads are still lined with cars and skies still dotted with air traffic.  

The future of transportation

In 2013, Elon Musk set about changing that through a new solution: a high-speed transportation system that navigates inside a vacuum tube using magnetic levitation. He called it Hyperloop. The vehicles can travel with speeds of over 1000 km/h while being more energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and convenient than airplanes. 

Putting ideas into practise

Following Musk’s initial concept, he launched an open challenge for anyone to take the idea and try to make it real. Thirty-six students from the Delft University of Technology, were some of the first to take on the Hyperloop challenge. Coming together to found Delft Hyperloop.

A visually-stunning VR experience

It’s fair to say that Hyperloop is one of the most awaited futuristic projects. So what, you may ask, will a Hyperloop journey look like? To allow you to experience the Hyperloop now, we are developing the first full Hyperloop VR experience for the Delft Hyperloop team together with, computer graphics specialists, AltSpace.

Next level

We partnered up with Delft back in 2016 for their first SpaceX competition. And with this latest VR experience, users will now be able to walk through a Hyperloop station, board pods, and be among the first people to travel with Hyperloop. The new VR experience will be unveiled during Delft’s Reveal of Atlas 02 presentation in the Auditorium of the TU Delft on June 3rd

More to come

We’re going to be following all the latest Hyperloop news leading up to this Summer’s SpaceX competition. You can tune into by following us on Twitter @INDG