Product detail pages that drive conversion

The Cadillac of toothbrushes

How do you bring a range of premium toothbrushes to life online and increase conversion? It all starts with creating product detail pages using our Product Experience Player framework.

Made interactive

Rich, interactive content engages users so we built and rendered a 360° model of the toothbrush to allow users to explore the product. Hot spots revealed additional product information while maintaining the clean layout and premium feel. Once the design was finalized for one page, our scalable framework enabled us to quickly create the other three pages, maintaining a consistent design while tailoring the messaging of each page to the intended audience.

50% conversion increase

Philips launched their new product detail pages and saw immediate results. While tweaks to a page can improve conversion by 10%, Philips experienced a 50% increase compared with the existing pages and bounce rate decreased by 30%.